When the temperature close to the T1 transistor is hot , the resistance to the emitter –collector goes low and it starts conducting . In same time T2 transistor conducts , because its base is connected to the collector of T1 transistor and the RL1 relay energized and switches on the siren which produce a fire engine alarm sound. This electronic circuit project must be powered from a 6 volts DC power supply , but the UM3561 IC is powered using a 3 volt zener diode , because the alarm sound require a 3 volts dc power supply. The relay used in this project must be a 6 volt / 100 ohms relay and the speaker must have a 8 ohms load and 1 watt power.
Heat Detector Alarm using UM3561
When the temperature close to the T1 transistor is hot , the resistance to the emitter –collector goes low and it starts conducting . In same time T2 transistor conducts , because its base is connected to the collector of T1 transistor and the RL1 relay energized and switches on the siren which produce a fire engine alarm sound. This electronic circuit project must be powered from a 6 volts DC power supply , but the UM3561 IC is powered using a 3 volt zener diode , because the alarm sound require a 3 volts dc power supply. The relay used in this project must be a 6 volt / 100 ohms relay and the speaker must have a 8 ohms load and 1 watt power.