An LED is usually a series resistor needed to ensure that the LED does not get too much power. The disadvantage of such a resistor is that the curre...Read more »
This is a fun circuit that can be at parties, for example. The four LEDs flash to the beat of the music. The light organ responds using a microphone...Read more »
A phase-controlled dimmer delays the triac turn-on to a selected point in each successive ac half cycle. Use this circuit only for incandescent lamp...Read more »
This simple circuit drives 6 LEDs in 'Knight Rider scanner mode'. Power consumption depends mainly on the type of LEDs used if you use a 7555 (555 ...Read more »
This is a Warning Light and Marker Light Circuit Diagram. A flashing light of high brightness and short duty cycle is often desired to provide maxi...Read more »
This is a very basic circuit for flashing one or more LEDS and also to alternately flash one or more LEDs.It uses a 555 timer setup as an astable mu...Read more »